Friday, 9 October 2015

Original Storyboard

I made my storyboard and I've almost finished it.
I'll explain it briefly..

1. Establishing/ over the shoulder shot of the family looking at their new house. cheerful music is playing, the sun is shining etc.
2. quite a zoomed in shot of the 'sold' sign being taken down, voice over 'this is a fresh start for us'
3. family at dinner with the housekeeper, cheerful music, everyone smiling and laughing,
4. close up of the teenage boy laughing- maybe in slow motion- showing him happy before the chaos, 'I need you to take some boxes up to the attic for me'
5. black screen - 'from the makers of _________'
6. boy in attic- mysterious music/digetic sound
 7. focus on the music box and everything in the background is blurry, digetic sound.
8. over the shoulder shot of him examining the music box, low light and there is a torch on the music box, digetic sound/mysterious music.
9.close up as he opens the music box and it plays.
10.the boy looks startled- he's been possessed, music heightened and intense
11. flash of black
12. appearing unconscious
13. flash of black
14. falling back
15. flash of black
16. laying on floor unconscious
17. flash of black
18. fade into 'you won't sleep for weeks'

19. mum checks the boy's temperature, voice over- 'mum he looks terrible'
20. 'stop pestering me there's nothing wrong' he gets agitated
21. text
22. the sister is on her bed talking to her friend on Skype throughout the next few scenes there is a voice over 'there's something wrong with my brother, weird things keep happening to me but not to him'- maybe elongate the conversation as a voice over so I can have longer scenes
23. girl sitting in living room and the light starts to flicker
24. she's in bed and she hears weird noises
25. back to Skype call- filming of the call.
26. text
27.digetic sound as she types 'Catherine....' on her keyboard 'I need to find out what happened here'
28. text
29. we see the girl looking at a photo which we can't see- she looks shocked and drops it.
30. text

31. long shot of the girl in her bedroom, crying because she's so scared
32. shot of her in the mirror looking startked as we hear a child laughing
33. she looks around and is startled, she looks to the side and as she looks back...
34. ... 'come to the attic' is written on the mirror.
35. text

and that's all that I managed to do for my first draft. As I was describing it I realised there are a few things which I missed out and I didn't finish it as I''m still working on what would be in the end. So I'm going to edit and improve it and talk through it in a video so that I can explain it in detail and more clearly.

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