With the black and white filter option I moved the yellow levels to the right which made any yellow tones in the photo whiter rather than black or grey- there were yellow tones in James' skin and so that's why he's so pale.
I then coloured in his eyes using a black paintbrush on Photoshop
For the second image I did the same technique with the black and white filter, sliding the yellow levels to the left.
I used an effect filter which was called 'crayon and chalk' that created the texture within the image.
I then de-saturated the image to get it even darker and greyer.
I lost some of the bright-whiteness in his skin when I applied the filter and so I upped the exposure which brightened any white levels.
I added a 'posterize' filter to this which created a cartoon effect and then I did the same black and white technique.
I am going to print each of these out and ask people what they think/ which one they prefer. Personally I prefer the first one as I think it has the most attention on James' character.
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