I've found the BBFC guidelines for horror (threat and violence) for the 15 classification to give me more of an insight into what classification my trailer would be once I have come up with a plot.

Why it was given a '15' rating:
'The film contains around 40 uses of strong language. This exceeds the '12A'/'12' Guidelines where 'The use of strong language must be infrequent' but is permissible at '15' where 'There may be frequent use of strong language'.
As for horror, the film's content exceeds the '12' Guideline test which states that 'Moderate physical and psychological threat may be permitted, provided disturbing sequences are not frequent or sustained'. This film features frequent strong threat and menace from the opening minutes until the final scene as the couple's camera records offscreen sounds and manifestations that graduate in frequency and intensity to the point where the threat becomes tangible and physical. The film's hand-held camerawork lends the horror and intensity a greater sense of realism and immediacy. The film's power is not reliant on gore or special effects but instead credibly depicts an unknown force with growing power overwhelming the lives of a young couple in a realistic domestic setting. The lack of sadistic or sexualised elements meant that the film was permissible at '15' but the strength, frequency and sustained nature of the threat and terrorisation meant that it was not allowable at '12A/12'.
Paranormal Activity also contains an oblique moderate sex reference to unseen sexual activity, additional mild sex references and mild language.'
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