Thursday, 17 December 2015

Quantitative Results from Focus Group on Poster Drafts

I gathered all of my results together and made some graphs...

As you can see the preferred poster this one 

Around 54% of the 11 people I asked said this was their favourite, 5/6 of these people were between the age of 17-18 which I think is important as it shows that young people ie. my target audience found the scariest poster the best, thus emphasising why they're my target audience because it shows that most young people love horror.

Whereas 27% of the people asked said they preferred this one, 2/3 of these were my mum and dad who are obviously over 40 and again, I think this is important as it shows why they are not my main target audience. However, this could've meant that they thought the one with the black eyes was too scary and they wouldn't want their children to see it: so I asked my mum if she thought any of the posters were too scary to be put around public places where children could see them and she disagreed.

Finally, around 18% chose this poster as their favourite because they thought it looked original, however neither of them said it was particularly scary or prominent as a horror poster just that it was unsettling as his face is blurred.


  1. The graph is a really good way of presenting your results :)

  2. The first one is amazing! The editing done has really gave it the horror movie feel. The black eyes and even the open eyes just screams possession to me!
